Talend ESB Advanced Release 2022 Training


Talend is the leading commercial open source data integration software vendor. Talend is an open source data integration platform. It provides various software and services for data integration, data management, application integration enterprise, data quality, cloud storage and Big Data.
This training will allow you to take control of the development environment Talend Open Studio for ESB. Its features will allow you to design integration solutions based on message exchange, web services, routing and data transformation.
This training also addresses the Talend environment as a whole with a focus on Talend Data Quality and Talend Data Mapper modules.

Pedagogical objectives

Upon completion of the training, you will be able to:

  • Understand the Talend environment and how it works
  • Design data integration jobs using XML streams and databases
  • Developing SOAP and REST Web services
  • Create Camel routes using a wide variety of protocols
  • Exploit the main enterprise integration patterns (EIP)
  • Deploy Web services and routes on the Talend ESB runtime (karaf) and audit their activity.

Target public

Developer, consultant, software architect or any professional who wants to use Talend
to interact with enterprise applications.


  • A first experience in business intelligence.
  • Knowledge of databases
  • XML knowledge
  • Knowledge of Java and SQL


  • 3500€ HT per person.

Training program

  • Navigating Talend Studio for Data Quality
  •  Connect to a data source and launch analysis
  •  Examining the contents of a data source connection
  •  Data analysis through the Catalog and Schema analysis tools
  •  Analysis of the data of a column on a pattern
  •  Generation of a regular expression to test the data quality 
  • Use of a predefined pattern 
  • Use of a custom pattern
  • Analysis on several columns and several tables
  • Separation of compliant and non-compliant data via business rules
  • Using Tasks in Talend Studio
  • Create and launch a TDM job to read a file, transform data and write to a file
  • Creation of Structures
  • Working with Representations
  • Transform a hierarchical XML file structure to a flat file
  • Working with the Concatenation functions
  • Working with conditional if/then/else functions
  • Implementation of simple loops
  • Implementation of nested loops
  • Implementation of Aggregation loops
  • tHMap (DI)
  • cMap (ESB)
  • Develop message processing routes using EIPs (Enterprise
    Integration Patterns)
  • Using Load Balancing to distribute to multiple endpoints
  • Using JMS Producing/Consuming
  • Routing via XPath expressions or other message content
  • Error Management
  • Calling a Talend Job from a route
  • Using DI components with ESB routes
  • Develop and test Data Services in Web Services (SOAP) and REST
  • Access a database from a Job in Web Services (SOAP) and REST
  • Interceptor Management
  • Transport-Leve Security Management
  • Introduction to Camel
  • Nexus artifact repository
  • Deployment phases, starting a route
  • Talend Runtime
  • Talend ESB Conductor

Pedagogical methods

Practical training: 70% Practical, 30% Theory.
Training material distributed in digital format to all participants.
Access to servers and databases as well as PCs are provided for practice.

Evaluation method

The evaluation of the objectives is done throughout the session through multiple exercises (70% of time).


Our training is provided by Mohand LARABI, PhD in computer science and Talend expert.


Classes start at 9am until 12:30pm and then from 2pm until 5:30pm. That is 7 hours per day.

Location and dates of the sessions

26 avenue Perrichont 75016 Paris

16 au 20 Mai 2022(inclus)​

26 avenue Perrichont 75016 Paris

06 au 10 Juin 2022 (inclus)​




Contact us

125 rue Michel Ange 75016 Paris

